What's A Scroll Saw Used For?

What’s A Scroll Saw Used For?

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Scroll saws are the best power tools for cutting intricate curves and drilling holes in the workpiece.

Scroll saws are used to create most wood art and patterns. They are mostly used by craftsmen and artisans. What is a scrollsaw used for other than creating patterns and curves?

How Scroll Saws Work

Scroll saws have many parts. These include the table tilt adjustment and workpiece drop foot. The lock, blade tension knob and speed adjustment knob are all part of the scroll saw. These parts are crucial in understanding the workings of a scroll saw.

Scroll saws are similar to band saws in that they move against the blade when cutting. The blade is the only difference between these powerful saws. A reciprocating blade can be used with scroll saws. A band saw is used to cut the blade in a continuous loop.

Scroll Saws: Top Uses

While scroll saws are well-known for cutting wood intrinsically, foresters have found a deeper use of them.


Scroll saws make it easy to create puzzle pieces. This is the first project that artisans do to get to grips with scroll saws. They can be difficult to use.

Puzzle pieces are a great way to help a young woodworker get started with sawing. You can play with the things you make yourself.


Scroll saws are also used to make cabinets. Scroll saws can be used to drill the joints needed to attach pieces to a cabinet.

You can also use it to create inlay patterns that make cabinets more artistic and unique.

: Music Instruments

Because musical instruments are made from woodwork, precise construction is essential.

Scroll saws are used by woodworkers to make instruments such as guitars, violins and sound boxes. Scroll saws make it easier to cut curves. A small misalignment can result in discordance.

Ornaments To Decorate Your Home

Although it may seem like a difficult task, creating ornaments for your home is possible with the scroll saws.

Scroll saws are great for cutting pieces such as ornament crafts to hang or display at home. This saw is also ideal for creating Christmas decorations.

: Home Products

If you are interested in making personalized crafts for your home, a scroll saw could be a great tool. Scroll saws can be used to create many home accessories, including baskets, bowls and coasters.

Scroll saws are a popular investment for households. You can also find a variety of patterns online, making it easy to make your first piece of home decor.

: Non-Metal

Scroll saws can be used for more than just cutting wood, contrary to common belief. This saw is also good for cutting soft brass or copper.

Scroll saws can also be used to cut aluminum pieces. However, lubricant oils are recommended to prevent damage to the piece or the blade.

A Guide For Buying A Scroll Saw

Material you’ll be working on

It is important to think about what materials you will be cutting when choosing a scroll saw.

Ask about the maximum thickness the scroll saw can cut. There are many models that have different cutting limits. This is a crucial factor that you should not overlook when purchasing a saw.

Blade Change

You may think the salesperson who sells you a saw is only trying to sell you something. They will show you how the blades can be changed. It is an important step to take when buying a saw.

To avoid any friction, we recommend that you do it alone while you’re at the shop.

Blade Type

There are many types of scroll saw blades, depending on what craft you’re making and the material you’re cutting.

Different blade types can have different cutting capabilities. Knowing the differences between blade types is crucial when you are considering purchasing a scroll saw.

Size and build

Scroll saws come in a variety of sizes and designs. Scroll saws are easier to use and lighter in weight for beginners. Scroll saws that are lighter in weight can be used for projects that require you to move frequently.


The length of the throat of a scrollsaw is measured from the blade to the back. Scroll saw throats are minimum 41 cm long, although there are also saws that have a throat of 76 cm.

If the project calls for a longer length, it is unnecessary to purchase saws with a larger throat measurement.

Quality, Size, And TPI Of Scroll Saw Blades

Even for non-woodworkers, the TPI (or teeth per inch) is easy to understand. It is the number of teeth per indentation on the scrolls blade cutting edges.

When choosing the right scroll blade, TPI is an important consideration. Blades with a lower TPI are more precise when making intrinsic cuts. However, small blades with a high TPI need to be used with greater care.

How Thick Can A Scroll Saw Be Cut?

The depth of the scroll saw will vary depending on its capabilities. The standard depth of a scroll saw is between 1 and 2 inches.

You will need a larger blade to cut thicker materials. You can also cut stacks if the thickness of the material is within the limits indicated on your scroll saw guide.

Materials For Scroll Saw

While scroll saws can be very efficient, it is also important to understand which materials a scrollsaw can cut the best.

Scroll saws make it easier to cut softwoods. However, the wood type is still important. Pine wood is extremely fragile and may break if it gets through.


Can a scroll saw cut a 2×4 board with ease?

A scroll saw can cut 24 boards, but due to its small size, it may take some time before the cut sinks. To cut a board of this size, we recommend that you change the blade size.


There are many saws on the market. Knowing what your saw is best at will help you maximize the power of your tool.

Our pro woodworkers have explained what a scroll saw is used for so that you can engage with your saw more easily and without any hassle. To help you understand your scroll saw model better, refer to the guide.